Holiday time!
Imagine a holiday that allows flexibility and ample of choice – that’s what caravanning does.
Whether it is a last minute decision if the weather is right. A holiday abroad catching the ferry or a planned holiday away for a week or more, you can make it suit any circumstance.
With increasing price rises you can keep your family entertained with holidays to the country, enjoying open space with fresh air allowing plenty of walks/ cycle paths/ farm visits etc or by the coast – the sea air and sand in between your toes!
If you speak to any caravaner all you will hear again and again is how everybody is kind, always someone to help in your hour of need and a great way to meet new people and make new friends.
There are many different caravan organisations set up for example the Caravan and Motorhome Club or the caravan and camping club which send out monthly magazines – hints and tips that could help you along the way and a huge range of club sites to stay on or to go on rallies.
If you are someone who likes the quiet life you can find many caravan site for adults only or small CL caravan sites like the one the one we have on our farm.